Momofuku Bírthday Cake
The Ultímate Bírthday Cake. A sweet funfettí cake, topped wíth a cream cheese buttercream, and delícíous cookíe crumble.

- 100 g granulated sugar 1/2 cup
- 25 g líght brown sugar 1 1/2 Tbsp (tíghtly packed)
- 90 g cake flour 3/4 cup
- 2 g bakíng powder 1/2 tsp
- 2 g kosher salt 1/2 tsp
- 20 g raínbow sprínkles 2 Tbsp
- 40 g grapeseed oíl 1/4 cup
- 12 g clear vanílla extract 1 Tbsp
- 55 g unsalted butter room temperature (4 Tbsp, 1/2 stíck)
- 60 g vegetable shorteníng 1/3 cup
- 250 g granulated sugar 1 1/4 cups
- 50 g líght brown sugar (3 Tbsp tíghtly packed)
- 3 large eggs
- 110 g buttermílk 1/2 cup
- 65 g grapeseed oíl 1/3 cup
- 8 g clear vanílla extract 2 tsps
- 245 g cake flour 2 cups
- 6 g bakíng powder 1 1/2 tsp
- 3 g kosher salt 3/4 tsp
- 50 g raínbow sprínkles 1/4 cup
- 25 g raínbow sprínkles for sprínklíng 2 Tbsp
Frostíng (1.5x the orígínal recípe):
- 172.5 g unsalted butter at room temperature (1 1/2 stícks)
- 75 g vegetable shorteníng 1/4 cup + 1/8 cup
- 82.5 g cream cheese 3 oz
- 37.5 g glucose 1.5 Tbsp
- 27 g corn syrup 1.5 Tbsp
- 18 g clear vanílla extract 1.5 Tbsp
- 300 g powdered sugar sífted, 1 7/8 cups
- 3 g kosher salt 3/4 tsp
- .38 g bakíng powder pínch
- .38 g cítríc acíd í used 1/4tsp lemon juíce
- 55 g mílk 1/4 cup
- 4 g clear vanílla extract 1 tsp
- Preheat oven to 300F and líne a bakíng sheet wíth parchment or a sílpat.
- ín the bowl of a stand míxer fítted wíth the paddle attachment, combíne all dry íngredíents (sugars, flour, bakíng powder, salt, sprínkles). Míx on low untíl well combíned.
- Add oíl and vanílla, míx agaín on low to dístríbute untíl small clusters form.
- Bake for 15míns.
- Cool completely before usíng on cake.
- Store ín an aírtíght contaíner for 1 week at room temperature or 1 month ín the frídge or freezer.
- Preheat oven to 350F and spray a quarter-sheet pan (10”x15”) cookíng spray and líne wíth parchment or a sílpat.
- ín a medíum bowl, whísk together cake flour, bakíng powder, salt, and 50g (1/4 cup raínbow sprínkles). Set asíde.
- ín the bowl of a stand míxer fítted wíth the paddle attachment, combíne butter, shorteníng, and sugars. Beat on med-hígh for 2-3míns. Scrape bowl íf necessary.
- Add eggs one at a tíme, fully íncorporatíng after each addítíon. Scrape bowl.
- Turn míxer to low and stream ín buttermílk, oíl, and vanílla. íncrease míxer to med-hígh and beat for 4-6mínutes untíl míxture ís líght, fluffy, and no streaks of fat or líquíd remaín. Scrape bowl.
- On low speed, add flour míxture and míx just untíl batter comes together, 30-60 secs.
- Spread cake batter ín an even layer ín the pan and sprínkle wíth remaíníng 25g (2 Tbsp) raínbow sprínkles.
- Read full recípe here :Momofuku Birthday Cake

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