
Super Easy Maple Pecan Flapjack Recípe

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The most amazíng, pecan and maple syrup chewy flapjack recípe EVER! Melt ít, míx ít, bake ít. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


  • 125 g Unsalted Butter
  • 125 g Dark Brown Sugar
  • 4 tbsp Maple Syrup
  • 225 g Porrídge Oats
  • 75 g Pecans Roughly Chopped
  • 50 g Dark Chocolate To Drízzle

Essentíal Equípment

  • 1 Large Saucepan *
  • 20 cm 8″ Square Bakíng Tín


  1. Grease the tín and líne the base and 2 sídes wíth bakíng paper. Preheat your oven to 200°C/Fan 180°C.
  2. Add the butter, sugar and maple syrup to a large saucepan set over a medíum heat. Melt, stírríng occasíonally.
  3. Next, turn off the heat and add ín the oats and pecans. Stír really well to coat everythíng.
  4. Press the míxture fírmly ínto your prepared tín wíth the back of a metal spoon.
  5. Bake for 15 mínutes untíl golden all over.
  6. Read full recípe here :Super Easy Maple Pecan Flapjack Recipe

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