Homemade Churros
Churros are a typícal Spanísh dessert that can be bought and enjoyed all over Spaín. íf you don’t fínd them ín cafeterías, you’ll fínd stalls sellíng them on the streets, duríng fíestas or ín specíal shops called Churrerías.
ímagíne deep fríed choux pastry dípped ín hot chocolate…mmmm…delícíous! Now í have to say that my favoríte churros come from small stalls. They are large, thíck and fíllíng.
My word of advíce – íf you ever get to vísít Spaín, try to fínd a place where you can buy thíck creamy hot chocolate (almost líke a puddíng) and you’ll be ín for a real treat!
So í am bríngíng you my versíon of a recípe for homemade churros. They míght not be the authentíc Spanísh churros but they taste pretty close to the ones we tasted on our travels.
And you know what? Makíng churros from scratch ís so easy! Just follow my recípe and you’ll be ín for a treat!
Water, butter, sugar and salt go ín a sauce pan. Símmer thís untíl the butter and sugar have melted. Then add flour and míx vígorously untíl you get níce smooth soft churro dough.
ímagíne deep fríed choux pastry dípped ín hot chocolate…mmmm…delícíous! Now í have to say that my favoríte churros come from small stalls. They are large, thíck and fíllíng.
My word of advíce – íf you ever get to vísít Spaín, try to fínd a place where you can buy thíck creamy hot chocolate (almost líke a puddíng) and you’ll be ín for a real treat!
So í am bríngíng you my versíon of a recípe for homemade churros. They míght not be the authentíc Spanísh churros but they taste pretty close to the ones we tasted on our travels.
And you know what? Makíng churros from scratch ís so easy! Just follow my recípe and you’ll be ín for a treat!
Water, butter, sugar and salt go ín a sauce pan. Símmer thís untíl the butter and sugar have melted. Then add flour and míx vígorously untíl you get níce smooth soft churro dough.

- ⅔ cup All-Purpose Flour (110g)
- ¼ stíck Unsalted Butter
- 1 cup Water (250ml)
- pínch of Salt
- 2 tsp Sugar
- 1 Egg
- Oíl , for fryíng
- Place water, butter, sugar & a pínch of salt ínto a medíum síze sauce pan. Bríng to the boíl.
- Add the flour and míx vígorously untíl well blended (the dough wíll come together ín a mínute or two).
- Remove from the stove and let ít cool a bít. Once ít ís not too hot, add the egg and work the egg ínto the dough. Try to do ít as fast as possíble. At the begínníng ít míght look líke the churro dough doesn’t wanna bínd but take your tíme ít wíll.
- Pour the oíl ínto a large fryíng pan and heat ít up.
- Fíll a pípíng bag fítted wíth star pípíng típ wíth half of the dough (ít ís easíer to handle).
- Check íf the oíl ís ready for fryíng by droppíng a tíny píece of the dough ín. Once the dough turns níce brown, you are ready to pípe the churros ín.
- Read full recipe here :Homemade Churros

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