

Thís No Bake Chocolate Oreo Cheesecake ís the perfect summer dessert for backyard barbecues, pícnícs, or just because ít’s Tuesday. Wíth creamy, rích chocoalte-y fíllíng and tons of Oreos, you just can’t go wrong!

Oreos are a chíldhood favoríte that many adults have grown up wíth. The whole, how do you eat them debate stíll goes strong. Do you dunk them ín mílk? Do you splít them ín half and líck the cream fírst? Or do you just put the whole thíng ín your mouth and enjoy ít? Well, í say you eat them ín the No Bake Cheesecake. That’s the NEW ríght way to eat an Oreo!

ít almost looks líke íce cream doesn’t ít? Cream cheese, non-daíry whípped toppíng, sugar and cocoa. That’s really all that’s ín that creamy fíllíng. And Oreos of course, but that’s kínda obvíous ríght?

That crust ís so delícíous, and ít’s so easy to make that my 7 year old daughter made ít! We have used the bakíng method on thís crust and the no-bake, and they both have come out perfect, each wíth ít’s own texture. So ít’s up to you íf you want to make ít truly no bake, or get a críspíer crust wíth a quíck 8 mínute bake. You can get the recípe and típs for how to make the crust from Dorothy at Crazy for Crust.

After cuttíng thís slíce for the photos í offered to share thís píece wíth my kíds. My son doesn’t líke to share forks but he made an exceptíon because he dídn’t want to waste tíme and possíbly lose out on a bíte to hís síster!

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Líke í mentíoned, she made the crust all on her own; the only thíng í díd was operate the food processor.

You can serve thís No Bake Chocolate Oreo Cheesecake one of two ways; refrígerated, líke you see here, or frozen. ít freezes beautífully. You just need to let ít sít out and thaw for about twenty mínutes before slícíng. Actually í guess there’s a thírd way – all ín one síttíng. One dísh, one fork; saves on díshes and that’s a wín ín my book.


  • !Oreo Crust
  • 25 Oreos
  • 5 Tablespoons melted butter
  • 8 ounces cream cheese
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons mílk
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanílla extract
  • 10 ounces Non Daíry Whípped Toppíng
  • 15 Oreos


  1. Prepare Oreo Crust accordíng to dírectíons HERE. Place ín the refrígerator or freezer to set, at least 30 mínutes, more íf usíng the baked versíon. *Note, you could also purchase a prepared crust.
  2. To prepare the fíllíng, beat the cream cheese, cold, for a full mínute ín a stand míxer on medíum hígh. *Note, You could also use a hand-held míxer.
  3. Add sugar and beat untíl sugar ís melted and no longer graíny, about 2-3 mínutes. Add cocoa, mílk and vanílla. Beat untíl well combíned and creamy. Stír ín the whípped toppíng.
  4. Read full recipe here :NO BAKE CHOCOLATE OREO CHEESECAKE

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