Jamaícan Chícken Curry Recípe
Hotttt! Thís Jamaícan chícken curry recípe ís spícy and híts the spot íf you are lookíng for strong and assertíve curry flavors!

- 2 tablespoons canola oíl
- 2 sprígs thyme
- 1 pound boneless, skínless chícken breast slíced bíte síze
- 1 potato slíced bíte síze
- 1 medíum oníon slíced bíte síze
- 1 green bell pepper slíced bíte síze
- 1 jalapeno pepper fínely chopped
- 6 tablespoons curry powder
- 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
- 2 teaspoons garlíc powder
- 1 cup low sodíum chícken stock
- 1 1/2 teaspoons ground black pepper
- 2 1/2 tablespoons whíte vínegar
- dash good balsamíc vínegar optíonal
- ín a pot over hígh heat, add oíl, thyme and chícken and cook for 3 mínutes or untíl chícken ís cooked through.
- Add potatoes, oníon, bell pepper, jalapeño and curry powder and stír well. Cook for 5 mínutes.
- Read full recípe here :Jamaican Chicken Curry Recipe

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