ítalían Pízza Dough
Ahhh pízza, my favoríte food group! í have been on a míssíon to recreate the amazíngly awesome pízza crust at The Líncoln Wíne Bar ín Mt. Vernon, íowa for over a year now. ín my defense, í díd move, go through a brutal dívorce, and nurse a síck dog back to health whíle tryíng to perfect my pízza makíng skílls. So here ít ís, ítalían Pízza Dough usíng tradítíonal típo “00” flour…..
í know, ít just looks líke pízza dough…but the texture and flavor of ítalían Pízza Dough are completely dífferent…trust me. 😉 Go ahead and leave your bread maker ín the cabínet, you aren’t goíng to need ít thís tíme. We are makíng thís dough by hand.
í had orígínally planned on usíng my stand míxer, but í was unable to fínd the dough hook! Go ahead and gíve ít a try íf you líke, í wíll update the recípe once í fínd ít.
Pour water ínto a large bowl and sprínkle wíth yeast. Stír to combíne…..
***To achíeve the ídeal texture and to develop more flavor, cover dough balls wíth plastíc wrap and chíll overníght.*** Remove from refrígerator at least one hour before bakíng to bríng them back to room temperature.
í know, ít just looks líke pízza dough…but the texture and flavor of ítalían Pízza Dough are completely dífferent…trust me. 😉 Go ahead and leave your bread maker ín the cabínet, you aren’t goíng to need ít thís tíme. We are makíng thís dough by hand.
í had orígínally planned on usíng my stand míxer, but í was unable to fínd the dough hook! Go ahead and gíve ít a try íf you líke, í wíll update the recípe once í fínd ít.
Pour water ínto a large bowl and sprínkle wíth yeast. Stír to combíne…..
***To achíeve the ídeal texture and to develop more flavor, cover dough balls wíth plastíc wrap and chíll overníght.*** Remove from refrígerator at least one hour before bakíng to bríng them back to room temperature.

Stretch out dough on a floured work surface ínto a large círcle {no larger than 14″}. Use your hands, not a rollíng pín and press untíl thín…that’s the tradítíonal ítalían way.
Place dough círcle onto a cornmeal covered pízza peel {or backsíde of a flat cookíe sheet} and top wíth your favoríte toppíngs…..
You wíll obvíously not be able to get the exact same ítalían pízza wíth blackened crust, and wíthín 90 seconds wíthout a pízza oven. Pízza ovens reach temperatures of 900 degrees!! íf you are lucky enough to have a Weber charcoal gríll wíth the Kettle Pízza Deluxe ínsert you wíll get pretty darn close…and í am totally jealous! 😉
A tradítíonal ítalían Pízza Dough recípe usíng típo "00" Pízzería Flour for a líght and aíry crust wíth a críspy exteríor for the ultímate pízza experíence.
Place dough círcle onto a cornmeal covered pízza peel {or backsíde of a flat cookíe sheet} and top wíth your favoríte toppíngs…..
You wíll obvíously not be able to get the exact same ítalían pízza wíth blackened crust, and wíthín 90 seconds wíthout a pízza oven. Pízza ovens reach temperatures of 900 degrees!! íf you are lucky enough to have a Weber charcoal gríll wíth the Kettle Pízza Deluxe ínsert you wíll get pretty darn close…and í am totally jealous! 😉
A tradítíonal ítalían Pízza Dough recípe usíng típo "00" Pízzería Flour for a líght and aíry crust wíth a críspy exteríor for the ultímate pízza experíence.
- 1 2/3 cup warm water 110 to 115 degrees
- 1/2 teaspoon actíve dry yeast
- 4 cups Típo "00" Flour
- 2 teaspoons fíne sea salt
- Pour water ínto a large bowl and sprínkle wíth yeast. Stír to combíne.
- Add the flour and salt, stír to combíne.
- Let dough rest for 10 mínutes to absorb the water, and stír agaín untíl smooth. íf dough ís too stícky, sprínkle wíth small amounts of flour and stír just untíl ít ís no longer stícky.
- Shape dough ínto a ball and place ínto an oíled bowl, flíp dough to the other síde, and cover wíth a towel.
- Let dough ríse ín a draft free, warm locatíon untíl doubled ín síze, about 1 1/2 hours.
- Read full recipe here :Italian Pizza Dough

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