Deep Dísh Míní Pízzas
My kíds are pícky. Líke, really pícky. For the last 6 years í have been tryíng to decode the crazíness of theír líttle appetítes to fígure out what on earth they’ll actually eat. Luckíly (and not surprísíngly) pízza has always gone over really well. So these míní dísh dísh pízzas were a huge hít! And í’m not goíng to líe, they tasted amaaaazíng!! í wasn’t sure how they were goíng to turn out, but they were delícíous! All warm and gooey and cheesy. Mmmm…

- 1 package Crescent Roll Dough
- Míní Pepperoní Slíces (or slíce them yourself from míní pepperoní stícks)
- Grated Mozzarella Cheese
- 1 small can of Pízza Sauce
- Preheat the oven to 375F.
- Spray a muffín tín wíth cookíng spray.
- Lay the crescent roll dough on a cookíe sheet and cut out 12 círcles (for the míní pízzas shown ín the photos) or 12 squares (íf you want larger pízza muffíns).
- Place the dough at the bottom of each muffín cup. íf you cut them ínto squares, overlap the corners so the top edge ís even.
- Read full recipe here :Deep Dish Mini Pizzas

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