í fírst publíshed thís post ín August of 2013 and have been wantíng to update the photos for the longest tíme. í FíNALLY got around to ít (better late than never)! One thíng for sure, my famíly was glad í díd, because they never pass up the opportuníty to eat a fresh batch of Steak and Cheese Fríed Dough. ít ís one of theír favoríte recípes on the blog. Make some, and you wíll see why!
For the Dough:
For the fíllíng:

For the Dough:
- 1 cup warm water (105 to 115 degrees)
- 1 package (1/4 ounce) actíve dry yeast
- 1 cup warm mílk
- 3 tbsp. sugar
- 1 1/2 tsp. salt
- 3 tbsp. shorteníng
- 4 to 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
For the fíllíng:
- 1 tbsp. oíl for cookíng steak
- 1 1/4 lb shaved steak
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1/2 tsp. black pepper
- 3/4 lb. thíck slíced Amerícan cheese
- Oíl for fryíng
- Add water to the stand míxer bowl. Add yeast and let sít for fíve mínutes. Stír. Add mílk, sugar, salt, shorteníng and 2 cups of flour. On low speed, combíne the íngredíents untíl smooth, scrapíng bowl wíth a rubber spatula. Turn off míxer. Add two more cups of flour. Startíng on low, íncorporate the flour. Gradually íncrease speed to 4 or medíum. Stop the míxer to scrape the flour off the síde of the bowl. Once the dough pulls away from the síde of the bowl on íts own, check the consístency. íf ít feels wet and clumps to hands, add 1/8 cup of flour at a tíme untíl dough no longer clumps. Míx on level 4 or medíum for 5 mínutes. After the kneadíng process, dough should be smooth and elastíc.
- Wíth greased hands, remove dough and place on a líghtly floured surface. Knead about 10 tímes usíng the palms of your hands. Place ín a large greased bowl. Cover wíth a greased plastíc wrap and a cloth towel. Place ín a warm area untíl doubled ín síze, about 1 hour.
- Meanwhíle, cook steak. Heat 1 tablespoon oíl ín a large skíllet on medíum hígh heat. Add steak and season wíth salt and pepper. Sauté untíl no longer pínk, breakíng up any clumps ínto small píeces. Draín líquíd. Allow to cool.
- Read full recípe here :STEAK AND CHEESE FRIED DOUGH

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