Pork Taquítos Recípe
The Pork Taquítos Recípe ís brought to you by Just Plum Crazy
ín honor of Cínco de Mayo, we have prepared a Weíght Watchers Pork Taquítos Recípe ín the aír fryer. But we líke to make all year long. They are a great snack for after school, bbq’s, and even football season. Let’s get cookíng!

- 30 oz. of cooked shredded pork tenderloín (not a fan of Pork? Use the shredded chícken ínstead!)
- 2 1/2 cups fat free shredded mozzerella
- 10 small flour tortíllas
- 1 líme, juíced
- Cookíng spray
- Salsa for díppíng (optíonal)
- Sour Cream (optíonal)
- Símple Lívíng Products Aír Fryer
- Preheat aír fryer to 380 degrees.
- Sprínkle líme juíce over pork and gently míx around.
- Mícrowave 5 tortíllas at a tíme wíth a damp paper towel over ít for 10 seconds, to soften.
- Add 3 oz. of pork and 1/4 cup of cheese to a tortílla.
- Tíghtly and gently roll up the tortíllas.
- Líne tortíllas on a greased foíl líned pan.
- Read full recípe here :Pork Taquitos Recipe

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