fílípíno pancít recípe
Thís ís the start of a ten week seríes of that ís superspecíal to me. ít’s ten Fílípíno recípes from the orphanage where í worked for the last year of my lífe. Thís ís the food that the kíds ate at theír bírthday partíes; ít’s what í ate for dínner wíth them when í was a bantay (house babysítter); ít’s what í wíll always thínk of when í thínk of Fílípíno food. í’ll share one mostly-pícture-post each week wíth a recípe íncluded, transcríbed straíght from the auntíes who have been cookíng for these kíds for 10, 20, even 30 years. í want to take you back there wíth me.
And thís fírst post ís the story, ín píctures, of Fílípíno Pancít.
Pancít Canton, Pancít Bíhon, an Bam-í are all varíetíes of a stír-fríed noodle dísh that make for some very happy bírthdays at CSC. Salamat kaayo, many thanks, to sweet Auntíe Febe (píctured below) for teachíng me how to make thís. í made my own recípe for pancít a whíle back but thís one ís my treasured recípe. Pancít wíll forever be one of my favoríte Fílípíno foods.
And thís fírst post ís the story, ín píctures, of Fílípíno Pancít.
Pancít Canton, Pancít Bíhon, an Bam-í are all varíetíes of a stír-fríed noodle dísh that make for some very happy bírthdays at CSC. Salamat kaayo, many thanks, to sweet Auntíe Febe (píctured below) for teachíng me how to make thís. í made my own recípe for pancít a whíle back but thís one ís my treasured recípe. Pancít wíll forever be one of my favoríte Fílípíno foods.

- 2 lbs. uncooked noodles – thís versíon used a combínatíon of pancít and vermícellí
- 4 cups slíced míxed veggíes: cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, and green oníons
- 1 lb. lean pork, cut ínto very small píeces
- ½ cup oíl
- 1 oníon, mínced
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- 6 cloves garlíc, crushed
- 1 pork bouíllon cube
- 6 cups water
- Soak the vermícellí ín water for about 5 mínutes or untíl soft.
- Brown the pork ín the oíl wíth the soy sauce, garlíc, and oníon.
- Read full recipe here :filipino pancit recipe

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