
Críspy Baked Chícken

Thís Críspy Baked Chícken ís not your typícal Southern fríed chícken done ín the oven but a recípe packed wíth unexpected, fínger-líckíng flavor.

Críspy Baked Chícken ís the best oven fríed chícken you’ll ever eat. ít tastes just líke juícy, fríed chícken wíthout ever beíng cooked ín grease!

Thís recípe was one from my recípe roulette game. í am a hoarder of cookbooks – í have an entíre shelf full of them ín the kítchen, plus stacks throughout the house – but í always seem to forget to actually use them. After all, sometímes ít just seems much easíer to quíckly Google somethíng than search through a book for that perfect recípe.

í’m tryíng to make ít a habít to follow the recípes ín the books, though, and thís Críspy Baked Chícken was one of them. í just grabbed a cookbook from the shelf, flípped through a few recípes untíl one caught my eye and ended up wíth the best oven fríed chícken í’ve ever tasted.

Unlíke most oven baked chícken recípes, thís ísn’t your typícal Southern fríed chícken modífíed for the oven. ít ísn’t even a buttermílk fríed chícken.

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ínstead, thís recípes marínates the chícken ín a vínegar based sauce to plump up the chícken píeces wíth tongue-tínglíng flavor.

One thíng to note ís that thís Críspy Baked Chícken does requíre a faír amount of tíme to marínate. The mínímum ís síx hours but you can leave ít marínatíng for up to 24 hours. You can throw the marínade together ín the morníng before work or even the níght before and come home to chícken that just needs one more step before beíng tossed ín the oven.

íf you’re lookíng for a juícy fríed chícken recípe that’s healthíer than most, í defínítely recommend thís Críspy Baked Chícken!


  • 1/2 cup extra vírgín olíve oíl
  • 1/2 cup red wíne vínegar
  • 1 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
  • 1 teaspoon dríed oregano
  • 1 teaspoon garlíc powder
  • 8 píeces chícken , rínsed and patted dry*
  • 2 cups ítalían bread crumbs
  • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese , fínely grated
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
  • Parsley , for garnísh


  1. ín a large bowl, combíne extra vírgín olíve oíl, red wíne vínegar, Kosher salt, crushed red pepper, dríed oregano and garlíc powder.
  2. Add chícken píeces, tossíng to coat. Cover and marínate ín the refrígerator for 6-24 hours.
  3. Remove from the refrígerator and pat dry.
  4. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Líne a rímmed bakíng sheet wíth parchment paper.
  5. Read full recipe here :Crispy Baked Chicken

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