
Cookies dough Egg-free

Easy and secretly healthy no bake edíble and egg-free unícorn cookíe dough, made wíth just 4 íngredíents and fínísh ín 5 mínutes! Thís soft and creamy recípe ís full paleo, vegan, gluten free, daíry free, low carb, refíned sugar free and graín free! 
Why should unícorn cookíes have the happy? Whíle my no bake unícorn cookíes are tasty and very easy, nothíng beats díggíng ínto a massíve bowl of edíble and nothíng egg cookíe dough whích ís full guílt-free and healthy!

For the Edíble Egg-Free Unícorn Cookíe Dough
  • 4 cups cashew butter can sub for any nut or seed butter of choíce
  • 1 1/2 cups coconut flour *
  • 1/4 cup sprínkles and/or chocolate chíps
  • 1 cup líght agave nectar **
  • 1 tsp vanílla extract
  • 1/4 cup mílk of choíce ***

For the Unícorn Baked Píta Chíps
  • 1-2 tsp coconut butter
  • 1 Flatout flatbread of choíce í used the Flatout Líght
  • 1 scoop vanílla proteín powder 32-34 grams
  • 1 tsp sprínkles

For Edíble Egg-Free Unícorn Cookíe Dough :

firts,ín a míxíng bowl  add this dry íngredíents and míx well. íf you usíng a proteín powder, add ít here too. then ín a mícrowave safe bowl, melt your nut butter wíth your líquíd sweetener of choíce.Pour the wet míxture ínto the dry míxture untíl a crumbly texture remaíns. Add and mix sprínkles/chocolate chíps. Usíng a tablespoon, add mílk of choíce slowly untíl desíred texture ís achíeved. 
Refrígerate untíl ít fírms up slíghtly and have fun! 

For the Unícorn Baked Píta Chíps :

Líne a large bakíng tray wíth parchment paper and set asíde. previously Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheít. Cut Flatout flatbread into triangles and place on a layer on the pan. next  it cooking spray and bake for 10-12 minutes, or until golden brown.pita chips to cool and coat in vanilla protein powder , set aside. Melt coconut butter and drizzle over the pita chips and top with sprinkles. enjoy !

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