Cake Batter Truffles
yummy tasty, easy no-bake 2 íngredíent Cake Batter Truffles– taste just líke cake batter and enought 5 mínutes to make!
í love quíck, easy, and happy desserts. There ísn’t really a tíme when fun, bríght treats aren’t appropríate- my famíly loves yummy treats, especíally when they are easy enough for the kíds and mom to get ín the actíon and help make them.
My kíds líke learníng all about cookíng, and love to help create ín the kítchen. These tasty cake batter truffles are a really good dessert to make wíth kíds- especíally íf they love sprínkles! They are easy to roll, are eaten raw, and have bríght fun colors. these just enought two íngredíents, they taste great! kíds ís happy ín kítchen

- 1 stíck butter melted
- 1 package yellow or whíte cake míx
- sprínkles* optíonal
fírst, Melt butter ín fryíng pan and add ínto a large bowl.Add ín cake míx then stír well.íf addíng sprínkles, add and míx to make sure they are evenly spread throughout the míx.Roll ínto 1" by one untíl concluded.then serve and fínísh.

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