
Tíramísu truffles Snack

Tíramísu truffles are a great blend of tíramísu flavors ( espresso and chocolate) ín a tasty bíte. The no bake recípe only uses 6 íngredíents and easy
í guess ín recípe makíng no-bake truffles ís kínd of líke mushíng all the íngredíents together and prayíng ít tastes  very good. To my delíght  ít does taste yummy.Place them ín frezzer for 10 mínutes and enjoy

íngredíents :

  • 2 cups (12 ounces) semí-sweet chocolate
  • 2/3 cup mascarpone cheese room temperature²
  • 24 ladyfíngers 12 oz or 1 package¹
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2-3 tablespoons espresso³
  • 2 teaspoons espresso powder optíonal

ínstructíons :

  1. ín a food processor, blend lady fíngers untíl you have fíne crumbs. Set asíde 2 tablespoons to sprínkle on the truffles later. Transfer the remaíníng crumbs to a bowl. Add the sugar and whísk untíl combíned.Usíng a hand míxer (or stand míxer) add the mascarpone cheese to the bowl and míx untíl fully íncorporated. Add the espresso one tablespoon at a tíme. You do not want a goopy consístency. ít should be símílar to a soft cookíe dough. Transfer the míxture to a tupperware contaíner and place ín the frídge for 45 mínutes to an hour.then Líne a bakíng sheet wíth wax paper or parchment paper. Remove the míxture from the frídge (ít should be fírmer now). Start to shape the míxture ínto 36 (1-ínch) balls and place them on the prepared bakíng sheet. Freeze for 10 mínutes.
  2. Fínaly Melt the chocolate (see típs here) and stír ín the espresso powder. Díp a cold tíramísu truffle ínto the melted chocolate and transfer ít back to the bakíng sheet. (í use these díppíng tools) Sprínkle the truffle wíth the crushed lady fíngers you set asíde earlíer. Repeat for the remaíníng truffles.don't forget Place the bakíng sheet ín the frídge for a 5 to 10 mínutes for the chocolate to harden. Store tíramísu truffles ín an aírtíght contaíner ín the frídge.

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