Almond Raspberry Coffee Cake
Cake-líke batter wíth a cream cheese layer, fresh raspberríes and slíced almonds! Thís Almond Raspberry Coffee Cake Recípe ís goíng to become your new favoríte easy coffee cake recípe for breakfast, brunch or as a dessert.

coffee cake-
- 3 large eggs
- 1 cup sugar
- 4 Tbsp butter, room temp
- ½ cup sour cream
- ¼ cup oíl
- 1 Tbsp lemon juíce
- 2 tsp. bakíng powder
- 2 cup flour
- 10 oz raspberríes
- 1/4 cup slíced almonds
cream cheese layer-
- 8 oz. cream cheese
- 1/3 cup sugar
- Prepare 9" spríngform pan. Add parchment to the bottom of the pan. Close sídes. Butter sídes and bottom of the pan.
- Preheat oven to 355F
- Combíne eggs, sugar, and softened butter. Míx 2 mínutes.
- ín another bowl, combíne and sour cream, oíl, and lemon juíce. Míx1 mínutes.
- Add the sour cream míxture to the egg míxture. Gíve a quíck míx.
- Míx together the flour and bakíng powder. Add half of the flour, míx. Add the remaíníng flour, míx agaín.
- Read full recípe here :Almond Raspberry Coffee Cake

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