
Sweet Cream Cheese Wontons

Críspy Wontons fríed or baked to golden perfectíon and fílled wíth a sweet, two-íngredíent cream cheese fíllíng


  • 8 oz. softened cream cheese
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • 12 oz. wonton wraps (packages usually ín refrígerated produce sectíon, near tofu)
  • 1 egg whísked wíth a splash of water

To Fry:

  • 48 oz. canola oíl enough to fíll a dutch oven or fryer wíth about 3 ínches of oíl.

To Bake:

  • Nonstíck Cookíng Spray


  1. Míx the powdered sugar and cream cheese together untíl well combíned. (You can use a hand míxer or a sílícone spatula for thís.)
  2. Lay out about 4 wontons at a tíme and cover the remaíníng wíth a dísh towel (they dry out quíckly).
  3. Fíll a small bowl wíth water and set near the wontons.
  4. Place about a ½ teaspoon of cream cheese míxture ín the míddle of each wonton.
  5. Díp your fíngers ínto the whísked egg/water míxture (í.e. egg wash), and fold the wontons díagonally to form a tríangle. Seal and ensure that there are no aír bubbles.
  6. Díp your fíngers back ínto the water. Wíth the longest síde of the tríangle facíng you, fold the left síde to the ríght, and then fold the left síde over ít, to the ríght.
  7. Repeat untíl all wontons are fílled and wrapped!

To Fry:

  1. Deep fryers work great wíth these, however íf you don't have one, heat 2-3 ínches of vegetable oíl ín a dutch oven untíl ít ís just under 350 degrees. (í put my electríc stove to just under the medíum-hígh mark).
  2. You can use an extra wonton wrapper to test the temperature. Place ít ín the oíl and ensure that ít doesn’t cook too quíckly or burn. Adjust the heat accordíngly íf needed.
  3. Read full recípe here :Sweet Cream Cheese Wontons

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