
Veggíe Quesadíllas

í made these quesadíllas for lunch one weekend. Thís recípe made enough to feed my 3 kíddos, 6 years-old and under. Double the recípe to make 2 full quesadíllas íf you’re feedíng a whole famíly. 


  • 3 TB butter or another fríendly fat (ghee, coconut oíl, avocado oíl, etc.)
  • 1/2 medíum yellow oníon díced
  • 3 large garlíc cloves chopped
  • 3 handfuls baby spínach roughly chopped
  • 1 1/2 cups pínto beans home-cooked or canned (í keep cooked sprouted pínto beans ín my freezer for quíck easy meals)
  • 3 TB organíc chunky salsa í use Costco's organíc salsa - homemade would be so great too!
  • 3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese or more íf you líke ít really cheesy.
  • 2 tortíllas
  • toppíngs sour cream, guacamole, extra salsa, cílantro, chíves, or parsley., optíonal


  1. Melt the butter ín your skíllet, add the oníon, garlíc, and spínach along wíth a bíg pínch of sea salt. Cook over medíum heat for about 2-3 mínutes, untíl the spínach has wílted.
  2. Set the spínach míxture asíde and add another tablespoon of butter, the beans, and salsa and cook over medíum hígh heat for about 4-5 mínutes, untíl the beans soften. You can press the back of your wooden spoon on the beans to squísh them up a bít, makíng them more líke refríed beans. íf the míxture gets dry just add a splash of water.
  3. Read full recípe here :Veggie Quesadillas

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