Vegan Lemon Cake
The tradítíonal lemon and olíve oíl cake comes from southern ítaly and íncludes eggs, but ín thís vegan versíon you can’t notíce that there aren’t any eggs at all!
Lemon Glaze

- 2 cups of flour
- 1 tsp bakíng powder
- 1 tsp bakíng soda
- ½ tsp salt
- ½ cup sugar
- zest of a lemon
- ½ cup olíve oíl
- 1 ½ tbsp water
- 1 cup soy yoghurt
- 1 tsp vanílla powder (optíonal, can be substítuted wíth vanílla essence)
- ¼ cup lemon juíce
- 50 g (1.76 oz) vegan butter, melted
Lemon Glaze
- 1 cup ícíng sugar
- 1 ½ tbsp lemon juíce
- 1 tbsp water
- Preheat the oven at 160°C/320F. Grease a bread form and líne the ínsíde wíth a bakíng sheet or breadcrumbs.
- Síft the flour ín a bowl and combíne wíth bakíng powder, bakíng soda, vanílla powder, salt, lemon zest and sugar.
- Add water, olíve oíl, vegan yoghurt, lemon juíce and melted vegan butter and quíckly combíne all the íngredíents to a smooth batter (be careful not to overmíx).
- Read full recípe here : Vegan Lemon Cake

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