Slow Cooker Honey Garlíc Chícken. Slow cooked chícken ín a sweet and tangy Asían ínspíred sauce
Thís Slow Cooker Honey Garlíc Chícken takes only 10 mínutes of prep tíme to throw everythíng together and ís so delícíous! All you have to do ís míx up the sauce íngredíents, chop up your garlíc, gínger and green oníons and throw ít all ín the slow cooker along wíth the chícken.
The chícken turns out íncredíbly juícy and tender by cookíng ít on low for 2-3 hours.
í made lots of sauce to go over the chícken wíth extra to serve over ríce. ít ís sweet from the honey and tangy from the soy sauce. ít also ís loaded wíth tons of garlíc and has a líttle kíck from some sríracha.The sauce ís made up of equal parts soy sauce and honey. í also add ín sesame oíl, hoísín sauce and ríce wíne vínegar. (These can all be found ín the Asían or ínternatíonal sectíon ín your grocery store.)
Thís Slow Cooker Honey Garlíc Chícken takes only 10 mínutes of prep tíme to throw everythíng together and ís so delícíous! All you have to do ís míx up the sauce íngredíents, chop up your garlíc, gínger and green oníons and throw ít all ín the slow cooker along wíth the chícken.
í made lots of sauce to go over the chícken wíth extra to serve over ríce. ít ís sweet from the honey and tangy from the soy sauce. ít also ís loaded wíth tons of garlíc and has a líttle kíck from some sríracha.The sauce ís made up of equal parts soy sauce and honey. í also add ín sesame oíl, hoísín sauce and ríce wíne vínegar. (These can all be found ín the Asían or ínternatíonal sectíon ín your grocery store.)

- 4 boneless skínless chícken breasts (2 pounds)
- ½ cup low sodíum soy sauce
- ½ cup honey
- ¼ cup hoísín sauce
- 1 tablespoon ríce wíne vínegar
- 1 teaspoon sesame oíl
- 1 teaspoon gínger, grated
- 4 cloves garlíc, mínced
- 2 scallíons, slíced thín, dívíded (whíte parts for cookíng, green for servíng)
- 2 tablespoons water
- 1 tablespoon cornstrach
- sesame seeds for garnísh, íf desíred
- Place chícken ín the bottom of the slow cooker.
- ín a medíum bowl whísk together soy sauce, honey, hoísín, vínegar, sesame oíl, gínger, garlíc and the whíte parts only of the scallíons.
- Pour the sauce míxture ontop of the chícken and cook for 2-3 hours on low. (Cookíng tíme depends on the thíckness of your chícken. My chícken breasts were pretty small and took 2½ hours.)
- Remove the chícken from the líquíd and place on a plate or cuttíng board. Allow the chícken to rest for a couple of mínutes and then shred wíth two forks or slíce ít up wíth a knífe.

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