My gíft to you…Parmesan Crusted Chícken! Happy Valentíne’s Day!
í know what you want – ít’s what we all want! More optíons for delícíous, quíck and easy weekníght dínners – ríght! Thís Parmesan Crusted Chícken totally fíts the bíll. ít’s easy enough to make for a quíck weekníght dínner but also elegant enough to serve for company.
í dídn’t really thínk about ít but í guess ín a sense í’m re-gíftíng thís recípe. ít comes straíght from the plaíns of Oklahoma. When we líved there many years ago our dear fríends Todd & Allíson would make thís for us
í remember ít vívídly… JoJo greetíng us at the door doíng the pee pee dance and maybe lettíng a líttle slíp. (We eventually moved the greetíng outsíde – you know, less clean up that way.) Oh, JoJo was theír adorable Pomeranían – should have mentíoned that as well. The most delectable smells of garlíc and cheesy goodness wafflíng through the aír. Todd puttíng the fíníshíng touches on the Atomíc Salad (now that’s a recípe you want for sure). Allíson entertaíníng us, gettíng us drínks and offeríng to help Todd (prayíng he dídn’t take her up on ít). She’s not so much for cookíng but she can set a mean table and make you laugh – a lot. Love that gírl!
í know what you want – ít’s what we all want! More optíons for delícíous, quíck and easy weekníght dínners – ríght! Thís Parmesan Crusted Chícken totally fíts the bíll. ít’s easy enough to make for a quíck weekníght dínner but also elegant enough to serve for company.
í dídn’t really thínk about ít but í guess ín a sense í’m re-gíftíng thís recípe. ít comes straíght from the plaíns of Oklahoma. When we líved there many years ago our dear fríends Todd & Allíson would make thís for us
í remember ít vívídly… JoJo greetíng us at the door doíng the pee pee dance and maybe lettíng a líttle slíp. (We eventually moved the greetíng outsíde – you know, less clean up that way.) Oh, JoJo was theír adorable Pomeranían – should have mentíoned that as well. The most delectable smells of garlíc and cheesy goodness wafflíng through the aír. Todd puttíng the fíníshíng touches on the Atomíc Salad (now that’s a recípe you want for sure). Allíson entertaíníng us, gettíng us drínks and offeríng to help Todd (prayíng he dídn’t take her up on ít). She’s not so much for cookíng but she can set a mean table and make you laugh – a lot. Love that gírl!

Then the moment we’d all been waítíng for…síttíng down to the most mouthwateríng meal anyone could ask for. What can í say we’ve had some great tímes wíth good fríends and always enjoyed wonderful food. Thanks Todd & Al!
- 5 Chícken breasts boneless, fat and skín removed
- 1 cup panko bread crumbs
- 2/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
- 3 tablespoons mínced parsley
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 1/4 cup melted butter
- 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juíce
- 2 cloves garlíc mínced
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Míx the bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, parsley, salt, and pepper together ín a shallow píe dísh or a deep plate.
- Míx the butter, lemon juíce and garlíc together ín another shallow píe dísh or deep plate.
- Díp both sídes of the chícken ín the butter míxture - coatíng ít well.h
- Read full recipe here :PARMESAN CRUSTED CHICKEN

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