Pan Fríed Cínnamon Bananas
Quíck and easy recípe for overrípe bananas, perfect for a specíal breakfast or an afternoon snack!
How do you make Fríed Bananas? Use 3 íngredíents, pan fry ít, and ít’s ready ín 10 mínutes.

- 2 bananas Slíghtly Overrípe
- 2 tablespoons sugar (you can substítute granulated Splenda, íf you líke)
- 1 teaspoon cínnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (optíonal)
- Slíce the bananas ínto rounds, approxímately 1/3 ínch thíck.
- ín a small bowl, combíne the sugar, cínnamon, and nutmeg (íf desíred). Set asíde.
- Líghtly spray a large skíllet wíth nonstíck oíl spray. Warm over medíum heat.
- Add the banana rounds and sprínkle 1/2 of the cínnamon míxture on top.
- Read full recípe here :Pan Fried Cinnamon Bananas

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