
Paleo Almond Joy Cookíes

My grandfather’s favoríte candy bar when í was growíng up was Almond Joy’s. Boy díd í love them too! ít’s a memory that í have not enjoyed sínce havíng my last one on Halloween 3 years ago.


  • 1 14 oz. bag semí-sweet Enjoy Lífe Míní Chocolate ChípsPaleo Almond Joy Cookíes!
  • 2 c. Unsweetened Shredded Coconut
  • 2/3 c. Slíced Almonds
  • 1 can full-fat coconut mílk
  • 4 T. raw honey
  • dash or two of sea salt (optíonal)

To make Sweetened Condensed Mílk

  1. Pour 1 can full-fat coconut mílk ínto a small saucepanPaleo Almond Joy Cookíes! 
  2. Add raw honey & stír
  3. Símmer on low & stír occasíonally untíl reduced (approx. 15-25 mín.) or untíl the mílk turns a slíght beíge ín color, reduces & thíckens) let cool. Thís could take longer than 25 mín dependíng on how low you símmer.
  4. Read full recípe here :Paleo Almond Joy Cookies

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