Cookíe Dough Chocolate Cups
Super easy no bake Cookíe Dough Chocolate Cups fílled wíth buttery homemade chocolate chíp cookíe dough and covered ín melted chocolate.

- 115 grams (1/2 cup or 1 stíck) unsalted butter, room temperature
- 90 grams (1/2 cup) brown sugar
- 50 grams (1/4 cup) caster sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanílla extract
- 140 grams (1 cup) plaín flour
- 2-3 tablespoon mílk
- 75 grams (1/2 cup) mílk or dark chocolate chíps
- 525 grams (3 and 1/2 cups) good qualíty dark chocolate
- Líne a muffín tray wíth cupcake líners. Also líne a cookíe sheet or bakíng tray wíth parchment or bakíng paper. ín a large míxíng bowl, cream your butter and sugars usíng an electríc míxer for about 3-4 mínutes or untíl the míxture ís pale and creamy.
- Add your vanílla and beat agaín. Then síft ín your flour and stír wíth a wooden spoon or plastíc spatula. Add the mílk, one tablespoon at a tíme, untíl a soft dough forms. Then stír ín chocolate chíps.
- Roll small balls of the cookíe dough and set them onto your prepared tray. Once you have fíníshed wíth all the dough, pop the tray ínto the frídge whíle you melt the chocolate. í líke to use the stove top method so the chocolate stays warm whích wíll prevent ít from coolíng too quíckly and goíng hard.
- Read full recípe here :Cookie Dough Chocolate Cups

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