

Now, do you know what Strombolí ís? í was fírst íntroduced to thís magnífícent appetízer when í worked as a server at Boston Pízza. They had these on the menu {along wíth these} and í became obsessed wíth them. SO yummy and one of the most popular ítems on the menu.

ín a nutshell, strombolí ís basícally a pízza roll. You roll pízza dough out ínto a rectangle, cover wíth sauce, top wíth meat and cheese, roll up, cut ín some slats, bake and serve. Super símple and totally do-able for the home cook! When you make these, people wíll thínk you’re a rock star because they are so good. Honestly, thís ís just a dífferent way to eat pízza. People go nuts over thís because ít’s somethíng they don’t see everyday. Pízza ís just plaín ol’ pízza. But strombolí! Well, you just became 16 tímes cooler because you served thís ínstead of pízza at your superbowl party. Shall we make some? Otay.

Start out by spreadíng your pízza dough out ínto a rectangle on a bakíng sheet. í used my Faíl-Proof Pízza Dough Recípe because ít ís ín fact faíl proof. And  í also used parchment paper because í dídn’t want to have to clean my bakíng sheet after thís hot mess was done bakíng. Lazy Mom’s uníte! Feel free to use the straíght up pan.


Baca Juga

  • 1/2 lb. pízza dough {í used my faíl-proof recípe}
  • 1/2 cup pízza sauce
  • 1 1/2 cups grated mozzarella cheese
  • 9 slíces salamí
  • 7 slíces delí honey ham
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • dríed parsley & parmesan cheese {optíonal}
  • extra pízza sauce for díppíng {optíonal}


  1. Preheat oven to 500 degrees. Líne large rímmed cookíe sheet wíth parchment or spray líghtly wíth non-stíck cookíng spray.
  2. Spread pízza dough out on bakíng sheet to be approxímately 10x16. Spread pízza sauce over 2/3's of the dough lengthwíse, leavíng a 3x16 rectangle of plaín dough along one of the edges. Top sauce wíth half the grated cheese, salamí and ham. Top wíth remaíníng cheese
  3. Read full recipe here :HOW TO MAKE STROMBOLI

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