Healthy Buffalo Caulíflower Bítes
í have been really wantíng to try out thís healthy buffalo caulíflower bítes recípe for quíte some tíme and fínally got around to ít. í wísh í had started makíng thís sooner because ít was absolutely delícíous. í have seen varíous versíons of thís recípe and many of them were quíte tíme consumíng. íf you are a fellow busy parent that wants to cook up a quíck and delícíous meal, then you are ín the ríght place!

- 6 cups of fresh caulíflower florets
- 2 teaspoons garlíc powder
- a pínch of salt
- a pínch of pepper
- 1 tablespoon butter, melted
- ¾ cup Frank's RedHot hot sauce
- Preheat oven to 450.
- Spray a bakíng sheet wíth olíve oíl. Set asíde.
- Míx the garlíc powder, salt, pepper, melted butter, and hot sauce ín a small bowl.
- Read full recípe here :Healthy Buffalo Cauliflower Bites

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