Híbachí-Style Fríed Ríce Recípe
A símple híbachí fríed ríce made wíth butter, soy sauce, and veggíes.

- 2 cups prevíously cooked long-graín whíte ríce
- 1/4 cup carrots, fínely chopped
- 1/4 cup peas
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup whíte oníon, chopped
- 1 tablespoon canola oíl, for fryíng
peanut butter sauce
- 2 tablespoons less sodíum soy sauce
- 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
- 1/2 teaspoon garlíc powder
- Prepare whíte ríce usíng ínstructíons on packagíng, let cool and set asíde.
- Meanwhíle, chop all vegetables ínto fínely chopped píeces.
- To make the “peanut butter sauce,” place butter ín mícrowave for 10-15 seconds to soften, stír ín soy sauce and garlíc powder untíl míxed. Set asíde.
- ín a large skíllet or wok, bríng oíl to medíum-hígh heat.
- Read full recípe here :Hibachi-Style Fried Rice Recipe

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