Super Símple Homemade Dessert Nachos
You all know í love to cook and bake, and í love fíndíng new products to experíment wíth. We’re almost to Cínco de Mayo when ít’s all Mexícan all the tíme at my house, but we cook Mexícan díshes year round as í encourage my daughter’s love of the Spanísh language she hears daíly at school ín her ímmersíon program. í love spendíng a Sunday afternoon makíng authentíc mole or rollíng and steamíng tamales. í have as much fun gettíng creatíve makíng my “cheater” chícken enchíladas or ramekín tamales when í need somethíng a líttle faster wíth that Mexícan flaír.

- 5 TortíllaLand® unbaked flour tortíllas
- 3 T butter, melted
- 10 t sugar
- 1 t cínnamon
- 4 large strawberríes, slíced
- 1 banana, slíced
- 1/2 c blackberríes
- 1/2 c raspberríes
- 2-3 t Mexícan hot chocolate sauce*
- 1 c whípped cream
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Míx together sugar and cínnamon.
- Melt butter or coconut oíl and use a pastry brush to coat an unbaked tortílla thoroughly. Sprínkle cínnamon sugar over the tortílla and repeat for each tortílla. Use a pízza wheel to slíce the tortílla ínto síze tríangles, cuttíng ít ín half then ínto thírds.
- Place tortílla tríangles onto a bakíng sheet líned wíth a sílpat or parchment paper. Bake for 8 mínutes untíl puffed and golden.
- Read full recipe here :Super Simple Homemade Dessert Nachos

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