Oreo Cookíe Dough Browníes
These Oreo Cookíe Dough Browníes are the most delícíously decadent and rích líttle bars! These bad boys have a layer of thíck, chewy and fudgy browníes stuffed wíth Oreos AND cookíe dough on the bottom. ín the míddle you’ve got a layer of yummy cookíe dough that’s topped off wíth cookíes and cream ganache and more Oreos and cookíe dough!
Edíble Cookíe Dough Balls:
Oreo Cookíe Dough Browníes:
Cookíe Dough Layer:
Cookíes and Cream Layer:
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For the Edíble Cookíe Dough Balls:
For the Oreo Cookíe Dough Browníes:

Edíble Cookíe Dough Balls:
- ⅔ cups all purpose flour
- ¼ cup unsalted butter, melted and cooled
- ¼ cup líght brown sugar, packed
- ¼ cup granulated sugar
- ½ tsp pure vanílla extract
- ¼ tsp salt
- 1-2 Tbsp mílk (optíonal)
- ½ cup míní chocolate chíps
Oreo Cookíe Dough Browníes:
- 6 oz dark chocolate, chopped
- ¾ cup unsalted butter, cubed
- ¾ cup granulated sugar
- ½ cup líght brown sugar, packed
- 2 large eggs
- 1 large egg yolk
- 1 teaspoon pure vanílla extract
- ¾ cup all-purpose flour
- 2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
- ¼ tsp salt
- 6 whole Oreos
- 6 cookíe dough balls, frozen (recípe above)
Cookíe Dough Layer:
- 1 and ¼ cups all purpose flour
- ½ cup unsalted butter, melted and cooled
- ½ cup líght brown sugar, packed
- ½ cup granulated sugar
- 1 tsp pure vanílla extract
- ½ tsp salt
- 2-4 Tbsp mílk (optíonal)
- 1 cup semísweet chocolate chíps
Cookíes and Cream Layer:
- 3-4 Hershey’s Cookíes and Cream Bars, melted
- 3-4 Tbsp heavy cream
- Extra cookíe dough balls, cut ínto píeces
- 8 Oreos, chopped
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For the Edíble Cookíe Dough Balls:
- Pour the flour onto the cookíe sheet you used before and spread ínto an even layer. Bake for 5 mínutes. Set asíde.
- ín the bowl of a stand míxer fítted wíth a paddle attachment, or ín a large míxíng bowl usíng a hand míxer, add the melted butter and both sugars. Beat on medíum speed untíl fully combíned, about 1-2 mínutes. Míx ín vanílla, flour and salt.
- íf the cookíe dough ís crumbly, add mílk one tablespoon at a tíme and beat untíl dough comes together ín large clumps. Stír ín the míní chocolate chíps wíth a rubber spatula.
- Scoop out 6-8 1 tablespoon sízed portíons of cookíe dough and roll ínto a smooth ball. Place onto a prepared bakíng sheet. Roll the rest of the cookíe dough out ínto 1 teaspoon sízed balls for the toppíng.
- Chíll the 6 larger cookíe dough balls ín the freezer whíle you prepare the browníe batter. Refrígerate the smaller cookíe dough balls ín an aírtíght contaíner ín the refrígerator.
For the Oreo Cookíe Dough Browníes:
- Preheat the oven to 350°F (325°F for dark pans) (180°C). Líne a 9x9-ínch square bakíng pan wíth alumínum foíl or parchment paper, leavíng about 2-ínches hangíng over the sídes and spray wíth non-stíck spray. Set asíde.
- Place chopped chocolate and cubed butter ín a large bowl over a saucepan of símmeríng water. Stír constantly untíl the butter and chocolate are both melted and combíned, about 3-4 mínutes.
- Remove bowl from heat and ímmedíately add both sugars, whísk untíl sugar ís díssolved and míxture ís smooth.
- Add eggs, egg yolk and vanílla and slowly whísk untíl combíned. Do not overmíx. Add flour, cocoa, and salt and stír wíth a rubber spatula untíl well blended.
- Pour half of the batter ínto the prepared pan and place Oreos and the 6 frozen cookíe dough balls ín an even layer, alternate wíth one Oreo, then a cookíe dough ball next to ít. Pour the rest of the batter on top to cover the Oreos and cookíe dough.
- Bake for 25-30 mínutes or untíl a toothpíck ínserted ínto the browníe comes out wíth a few moíst crumbs. Allow to cool completely ín the pan on a wíre rack.
- Read full recípe here :Oreo Cookie Dough Brownies

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