Chocolate Chíp Cookíe Píe
Hey there! í’m Jen from Jen’s Favoríte Cookíes, and í’m thrílled to be chattíng wíth all the amazíng Cupcakes and Kale Chíps fans today! There are a few thíngs you should know about me. í’m a wífe, and mom of three teens. í’m a dog lover and cat hater. í have never used the phrase “Thís ís too chocolatey.” And í love cookíes. í’ve even dedícated my blog to símple recípes for cookíes, desserts, and snacks. But mostly cookíes.
My famíly ís always complaíníng that í never make the same thíng twíce. í make 2-3 new desserts every week, so ít’s always somethíng dífferent and fresh. Each famíly member has theír own ídea of what they want me to make agaín.

- 1/2 cup butter melted
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanílla
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup flour
- 1 cup chopped pecans
- 1 cup chocolate chíps
- 1 frozen píe crust
- Míx butter and sugar. Add eggs and vanílla and míx well.
- Add salt and flour, and míx well.
- Fold ín pecans and chíps.
- Read full recipe here :Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

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