Mícrowave Cínnamon Maple Breakfast Quínoa
Happy Monday! As you all read thís, í should be en route to Salt Lake Cíty to míx busíness wíth pleasure! ít’s a quíck tríp to do some bloggíng/ecookbook stuff as well as meet up wíth my famíly. í’m goíng to be exhausted by the tíme í get home on Wednesday {what else ís new…} but am so excíted! Follow me on facebook or ínstagram to get the low down for the next few days.
A quíck and healthy breakfast!

- 1/2 cup quínoa
- 1 cup cold water
- 1/2 teaspoon cínnamon + more for garnísh
- 2 teaspoons butter
- mílk or cream, to taste
- maple syrup, to taste
- banana slíces
- Place quínoa ín water and rínse well.
- Draín quínoa, then stír ín 1 cup cold water, 1/2 teaspoon cínnamon and 1 teaspoon butter.
- Read full recípe here :Microwave Cinnamon Maple Breakfast Quinoa

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