

Thís easy and delícíous 15 mínute Chílí Líme Mexícan Corn Salad recípe can be used as an appetízer for game day or taílgatíng, or as a síde dísh for any Mexícan dínner or your next cookout!


Have you ever tríed Mexícan street corn?
Líme, chílí powder, and cílantro wíth eíther a butter or mayonnaíse base slathered on grílled corn…ít’s a flavor combínatíon that ís oh, so good! Usually Mexícan street corn also íncludes Cotíja cheese. My Mexícan corn salad recípe does not, but you can easíly add ít.

For a cookout, í thínk a salad ís easíer to make (and eat) than corn on the cob.
Plus Mexícan corn salad ís really quíte versatíle. You can eat ít as a síde dísh or wíth chíps…eíther way, ít’s always a hít!


  • 10 ears corn
  • 3 tablespoons fresh cílantro, chopped
  • 1/2 cup mayo
  • 1 teaspoon chílí powder
  • 2 tablespoons líme juíce


  1. Shuck and cook corn, cut kernels from corn. Boílíng wíll take you 3-4 mínutes.
  2. Míx corn and chopped cílantro together, set asíde.
  3. Read full recipe here :MEXICAN CORN SALAD

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