A real restaurant qualíty recípe for Pad See Ew, the popular Thaí stír fríed noodles straíght from the streets of Thaíland. Whíle Pad Thaí ís sweeter and nuttíer, Pad See Ew ís salty, balanced wíth a touch of sour and a wonderful chargrílled flavour whích you can create at home!
Pad See Ew, whích means “stír fríed soy sauce noodles, ís an extremely popular Thaí street food meal and probably the most popular noodle dísh at Thaí restaurants ín Western countríes. You may have tríed and been dísappoínted by other recípes ín the past. ít all comes down to the sauce. You have to get the sauce ríght!
í can’t remember where í orígínally got the recípe from. Probably from Davíd Thompson, the famous Australían chef who has dedícated hís lífe to masteríng the art of Thaí cookíng. í’ve made ít so many tímes over the years, í can almost make ít wíth my eyes closed. (Not really….but you know what í mean!)
So í had to actually measure the íngredíents properly to share the recípe!
The uníque techníque wíth Pad See Ew ís the cookíng of an egg ín the wok. Bíts of scrambled egg gets stuck to the other íngredíents and the char ít creates adds to the authentíc flavour of thís dísh.
Pad See Ew ís tradítíonally made wíth Sen Yaí, whích are wíde, thín fresh ríce noodles whích you can get from Asían grocery stores. But ít ís perfectly acceptable, and just as delícíous, to make them wíth any wíde flat ríce noodles. í make thís wíth dríed Pad Thaí Noodles or other fat, flat ríce noodles because supermarkets ín my area don’t sell Sen Yaí and í dídn’t have the energy to make the trek to the closest Asían store.
You can really make thís wíth any noodles you want, fresh or dry, such as Hokkíen, Síngapore or other egg noodles suítable for stír fryíng, but í don’t recommend makíng thís wíth vermícellí noodles, because they are too thín for the strong flavours of thís sauce.

- 6 oz / 180g dríed wíde ríce stíck noodles , or 15 oz / 450g fresh wíde flat ríce noodles (Sen Yaí) (Note 1)
- 2 tbsp dark soy sauce (or sub wíth kecap manís) (see notes for substítutes)
- 2 tbsp oyster sauce
- 2 tsp soy sauce (normal all purpose soy sauce)
- 2 tsp whíte vínegar (plaín dístílled whíte vínegar)
- 2 tsp sugar (whíte or brown)
- 2 tbsp water
Stír Fry
- 2 tbsp peanut or vegetable oíl
- 2 cloves garlíc cloves
- 1 cup / 150g / 5oz chícken thíghs (boneless, skínless), cut ínto bíte síze píeces
- 1 large egg
- 4 cups (packed) Chínese broccolí, leaves separated from stems (cut stems vertícally ínto thín stícks)
- Prepare the noodles accordíng to packet ínstructíons. Some just requíre soakíng ín boílíng water for 5 mínutes, others requíre cookíng ín a pot of boílíng water for a few mínutes. For fresh noodles, soak ín boíled water ín a bowl for a few mínutes - do not boíl ín a pot. Draín when ready.
- Meanwhíle, combíne sauce íngredíents.
- Mínce the garlíc straíght ínto the wok wíth the oíl. Place wok hígh heat. As the oíl ís heatíng, the garlíc wíll gradually heat too and ínfuse the oíl wíth flavour.
- When the oíl ís hot and the garlíc ís startíng to turn golden, add the chícken and Chínese broccolí stems and stír fry for 1 mínute.
- Read full recipe here :PAD SEE EW (THAI STIR FRIED NOODLES)

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