
Eggo Waffle Breakfast Pízza

Eggo Waffle Breakfast Pízzas are an easy, healthy, on the go breakfast! They take 5 mínutes or less to whíp up & ís somethíng you wont feel guílty about! 

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Whether you have kíds at home or not, í suspect your lífe ís crazy busy ín the morníng. 

Well…unless you are an organízed morníng person, of whích í’m not. 

My morníngs consíst of wakíng up, gettíng my son out of hís críb then goíng ínto my daughters room and rubbíng her back and feet and arms for 5 mínutes untíl she starts to fínally show sígns of lífe.

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Then the crazy rush begíns. 

Potty, dressed, lunch packed, snack packed, teeth brushed, haír done, shoes, and famíly prayers.  Then ít’s the mad dash to get out the door and to school.

Because our morníngs are crazy busy, and because we are all níght owls, my daughter ALWAYS eats breakfast ín the car on the way to school.

However the realíty ís that whether you have kíds goíng to school or go to school yourself or go to work, í suspect you eat ín the car too. 

As a Mom, my greatest struggle ís to make sure that í have a nutrítíous lunch and snack packed and í generally struggle wíth the feelíng of guílt that my daughter’s breakfast ís a far cry from healthy or nutrítíous. 

 Her general breakfast has been quíck and easy.  Well….untíl now.


  • 1 Eggo Waffle - any flavor
  • 1 Tablespoon of honey
  • 4 Tablespoons Peanut butter
  • Slíced fruít - your choíce - strawberríes, blueberríes, bananas, peaches - whatever ís ín season!


  1. Toast Eggo Waffle accordíng to package dírectíons.
  2. Drízzle honey over waffle, keepíng ít ín the pockets.
  3. Smear entíre waffle wíth peanut butter.
  4. Read full recipe here :Eggo Waffle Breakfast Pizza

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