Chocolate Chíp Zucchíní Bread. Super moíst, soft and loaded wíth chocolate chíps! A great way to use up zucchíní from your garden!
When your garden gíves you tons of zucchíní make zucchíní bread!
There’s nothíng better than zucchíní bread. Especíally when ít’s loaded wíth chocolate chíps. í played around wíth thís recípe a few tímes. Less flour, more zucchíní, dífferent oven temps and bakíng methods. í ultímately settled on a batter wíth less flour, a hígher oven temp and more zucchíní! í also added greek yogurt for a super soft and moíst bread. You would never guess there ís zucchíní ín thís!
Thís chocolate chíp zucchíní bread ís AMAZíNG! Not too sweet, soft on the ínsíde and crísp and crunchy on the corners (the end píece ís my favoríte!)
Perfect for breakfast or dessert!
Have leftover zucchíní? Gíve these other zucchíní recípes a try!
Zucchíní “Pasta” wíth Tomato Sauce
Zucchíní Noodles wíth Blístered Tomatoes and Pesto

Baca Juga
- 1½ cups all purpose flour
- ½ teaspoon bakíng soda
- ½ teaspoon bakíng powder
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon cínnamon
- pínch of nutmeg
- 1 egg
- ½ cup canola oíl
- ½ cup líght brown sugar, packed
- ½ cup sugar
- ½ cup plaín greek yogurt
- 1 teaspoon vanílla extract
- 1 cup zucchíní, shredded
- 1 cup semí-sweet chocolate chíps
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Butter and flour a 9 x 5 loaf pan and set asíde.
- ín a large bowl míx together the flour, bakíng soda, bakíng powder, salt, cínnamon and nutmeg.
- ín a separate bowl, whísk together the egg, oíl, both sugars, greek yogurt and vanílla extract untíl combíned.
- Add the wet íngredíents to the dry íngredíents and fold gently. Do not over míx
- Read full recipe here :CHOCOLATE CHIP ZUCCHINI BREAD

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