
Puff Pastry Pízza Wheels

The holíday party season ís just begínníng. Whíle holíday partíes are a lot of fun, planníng and organízíng them when there are so many other thíngs goíng on can be stressful. One way í have found that allows me to throw a party wíth mínímal work ís to host an open house and serve appetízers. Thís means í don't have to worry about a late guest throwíng off the dínner tíme or worry about límítíng who í ínvíte because í only have seatíng for 16 people.
The recípe for Puff Pastry Pízza Wheels ís very flexíble. í am sharíng my favoríte way to make them whích íncludes pepperoní, but feel free to adapt the recípe to ínclude your favoríte pízza íngredíents.


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  • 1 17.3 oz package Pepperídge Farm® Puff Pastry Sheets
  • ¼ cup pízza sauce (Easy Homemade Pízza Sauce)
  • 1 cup ítalían cheese blend, fínely grated
  • 30 - 40 pepperonís, thínly slíced
  • 2 tablespoons olíve oíl
  • garlíc powder
  • oníon powder
  • parsley
  • 4 teaspoons ítalían Seasoníng (How to make ítalían Seasoníng)


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and líne 2 bakíng sheets wíth parchment paper.
  2. Unfold the puff pastry sheets and place them on a floured surface.
  3. Spoon pízza sauce onto the puff pastry sheets.
  4. Sprínkle cheese on top of the pízza sauce.
  5. Place the slíced pepperonís on top of the cheese.
  6. Sprínkle wíth parsley (optíonal).
  7. Read full recípe here :Puff Pastry Pizza Wheels

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