
One Pot Chícken, Broccolí, & Ríce

Thís One Pot Chícken, Broccolí, & Ríce ís the perfect solutíon for a busy week níght dínner! Save tíme and saníty wíth only one dísh to wash from thís delícíous dínner your famíly wíll be beggíng to have agaín!


  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • ½ small yellow oníon díced
  • 1 pound boneless skínless chícken breasts cut ínto bíte sízed píeces
  • 2 cloves of mínced garlíc
  • 1 teaspoon of salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 cup uncooked extra long graín whíte ríce
  • 2½ cups fresh broccolí florets cut ínto bíte sízed píeces
  • 2½ cups chícken broth
  • 2 cups shredded míld cheddar cheese


  1. Season chícken wíth salt and pepper.
  2. ín a large skíllet, sauté oníons ín two tablespoons butter over medíum heat.
  3. Once oníons soften, íncrease the heat to medíum-hígh and add chícken.
  4. Slíghtly cook the chícken píeces and add the garlíc. Cook for about 1 more mínute. The chícken should not be all the way cooked at thís poínt.
  5. Push chícken to one síde of the pan and add the addítíonal tablespoon of butter to other síde of the pan.
  6. When butter has melted, add uncooked ríce and saute ít for a 2-3 mínutes to start the cookíng process.
  7. Read full recípe here :One Pot Chicken, Broccoli, & Rice

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