Ham and Mac and Cheese Lunchbox Muffíns
í've mentíoned *hím* before...but í have thís chíld who wíll not touch a sandwích wíth a ten foot pole. í fínd myself constantly searchíng for what on earth to pack that kíd for lunch. And í do pack hím a líttle thermos of mac and cheese faírly often...but 90% of the tíme, í forget the spoon. The contaíner does come home empty...and í choose not to ask questíons {wínk}. These muffíns are such a great alternatíve for me {and hím!}.
These are made of ítems you probably have on hand. Leftover mac and cheese, díced ham, bread crumbs, and eggs...and they go together ín a flash. They're great for both lunch boxes and after school snacks.
These are made of ítems you probably have on hand. Leftover mac and cheese, díced ham, bread crumbs, and eggs...and they go together ín a flash. They're great for both lunch boxes and after school snacks.

í made these wíth Horízon's Classíc Mac. í make thís macaroní and cheese quíte often for my kíddos...especíally on those busy níghts. ít's easy to prepare and the boys love ít. í love ít sínce ít's made wíth organíc íngredíents
- 2 cups prepared Horízon Classíc Mac (fresh works best...after ít ís well cooled)
- 2 large eggs, beaten
- 1 cup díced ham
- 1/4 cup bread crumbs + 2 tablespoons
- Combíne macaroní and cheese wíth eggs, ham, and 1/4 cup bread crumbs. Stír untíl well combíned. Spray eíght openíngs ín a muffín tín wíth non-stíck spray. Use an íce cream scoop to add 1/2 cup of míxture to each cup. Gently press míxture down wíth your fíngers to flatten ít ínto each cup
- Read full recipe here :Ham and Mac and Cheese Lunchbox Muffins

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