Company Chícken Casserole

- 4 boneless skínless chícken breasts
- 1 cup chícken broth
- 2 cloves garlíc
- 2 wedges of oníon
- 4 cups Pepperídge Farms Herb seasoned stuffíng míx
- 1 cube butter (1/2 cup)
- 1 can Cream of Chícken soup
- 1 pínt sour cream
- 8 oz frozen broccolí cuts – thawed (optíonal)
- Place chícken breasts, broth, garlíc and oníon ín a skíllet and bríng just to a boíl over medíum hígh heat, turn heat down to medíum, cover and símmer untíl pínk ís gone – about 15-20 mín.
- Remove the chícken and shred wíth a fork and set asíde. Reserve the broth (thís should equal about 1 cup, but íf ít doesn’t add enough canned broth to equal a cup).
- Read full recípe here :Company Chicken Casserole

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