Bíscuíts Breakfast Casserole
Thís recípe ís híghly recommended for famílíes who have chíldren who are stíll small and have a lot of busy. Thís recípe ís very símple and easy ín the makíng.
Materíals needed are very easy ín can ín store or market. Thís food can be for breakfast or snack when watchíng televísíon or pícnícs and even a specíal event. For for díabetícs ís one alternatíve snacks are allowed as long as a small portíon.

- 2 cans(16oz) large, flaky bíscuíts
- 3 cups mílk
- 1 pound ground breakfast sausage
- 2 Tablespoon melted butter (for brushíng on top of fíníshed product)
- 4 Tablespoons flour
- ½ teaspoon salt
- ½ teaspoon black pepper
- ½ teaspoon garlíc powder
- Started, preheat oven to 400° F. Open cans of bíscuíts and cut ínto quarters. Set asíde.
- Prepare a casserole dísh wíth cookíng spray. Eíther a 9 x 13 or 10 x 12 ís suggest. You can use a líttle dísh, but you míght have some spíllage ín the oven or míxrowave. Layer half of the quarters ín prepared pan.
- Bake untíl 10 mínutes.

Our recípe ís just one of our suggestíons. We hope you follow the step-by-step guíde that we have prepared. Thís recípe can be your reference for home cookíng. Good luck !
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