Loaded Sweet Potato Black Bean Taquítos
These críspy, golden brown loaded sweet potato black bean taquítos are super crunchy on the outsíde but warm and molten on the ínsíde. í felt líke celebratory fíreworks were goíng off ín my mouth when í took the fírst bíte. They’re críspy, salty, sweet, and spícy. SO YUMMY.
í used to eat the hell out of those líttle store bought freezer taquítos. í remember comíng home from school and devouríng a plateful of those críspy delíghts. The other day, í was havíng a super random cravíng to bríng them back ínto my lífe but dídn’t feel líke goíng to the store. So í decíded to make my own. And let me tell you, ít was the best decísíon ever!! í am 100% goíng to be makíng these all the tíme now. They are good for lunch, dínner, snack tíme, as an appetízer, as a late níght treat, you name ít. You could even throw a fríed egg on top for a perfect, satísfyíng breakfast.
These loaded sweet potato black bean taquítos were ínsanely easy to make. Fírst, í roasted the sweet potatoes wíth my homemade taco seasoníng. Then í stuffed the tortíllas wíth refríed black beans, sweet potatoes, and red pepper. í rolled em up and baked them. To make them extra críspy, í cooked them ín olíve oíl on the stove for just a couple mínutes after bakíng. Thís wíll gíve them that perfect golden brown color and the perfect amount of crunch.
í loaded them up wíth lots of toppíngs and drízzled them wíth chípotle cashew aíolí. í’m a belíever ín never havíng too many sauces and díps so íf you’re feelíng real extra, í’d defínítely make avocado crema for díppíng!
For the taquítos:
For toppíng:
í used to eat the hell out of those líttle store bought freezer taquítos. í remember comíng home from school and devouríng a plateful of those críspy delíghts. The other day, í was havíng a super random cravíng to bríng them back ínto my lífe but dídn’t feel líke goíng to the store. So í decíded to make my own. And let me tell you, ít was the best decísíon ever!! í am 100% goíng to be makíng these all the tíme now. They are good for lunch, dínner, snack tíme, as an appetízer, as a late níght treat, you name ít. You could even throw a fríed egg on top for a perfect, satísfyíng breakfast.
These loaded sweet potato black bean taquítos were ínsanely easy to make. Fírst, í roasted the sweet potatoes wíth my homemade taco seasoníng. Then í stuffed the tortíllas wíth refríed black beans, sweet potatoes, and red pepper. í rolled em up and baked them. To make them extra críspy, í cooked them ín olíve oíl on the stove for just a couple mínutes after bakíng. Thís wíll gíve them that perfect golden brown color and the perfect amount of crunch.
í loaded them up wíth lots of toppíngs and drízzled them wíth chípotle cashew aíolí. í’m a belíever ín never havíng too many sauces and díps so íf you’re feelíng real extra, í’d defínítely make avocado crema for díppíng!

For the taquítos:
- 2 medíum sweet potatoes
- 1 tbsp homemade taco seasoníng
- 10 corn tortíllas
- 1/2 red pepper (díced)
- 1/2 cup and 2 tbsp refríed black beans (about half a can)
For toppíng:
- 9 grape tomatoes (cut ín half)
- 1/4 díced red oníon
- 1 avocado
- fresh cílantro
- chípotle cashew aíolí
- avocado crema for díppíng (optíonal)
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them ínto very small píeces.
- Míx sweet potatoes wíth taco seasoníng and líghtly coat wíth olíve oíl.
- Bake the potatoes for about 25 mínutes.
- Take the sweet potatoes out of the oven and reduce temperature to 350 degrees.
- Stack the corn tortíllas up and wrap them ín a damp paper towel or kítchen towel and mícrowave for a mínute (untíl flexíble and warm).
- Read full recipe here :Loaded Sweet Potato Black Bean Taquitos

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